Birgit Eusterschulte, art historian, research associate (post-doc) in the Collaborative Research Center 1512 Intervening Arts, Freie Universität Berlin. After studying art history and German literature, she initially worked as a curator. Phd in art history in 2017, FU Berlin; postdoctoral researcher at the Berlin University of Arts 2017-2019; her current project Unlearing History asks how different models of artistic historiography intervene in dominant narratives as methodical unlearning.
Research interests:
Modern and Contemporary Art, Exhibition History, Art Theory, Postcolonial Theory, Artistic Historicizing as Intervening Practice, Social Turn and Socially Engaged Art, Autonomy and Functionalization of Art, Conceptual Art, Institutional Critique.
Since February 2022, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Collaborative Reseach Center Intervening Arts, Free University, Berlin, with the reseach project Unlearning History; from 2017–2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Einstein Research Project Autonomy and Functionalization of Art at the Berlin University of Arts with a focus on politically and socially engaged art and exhibition practice; in 2020 and 2021 lecturer for contemporary art at the Academy of Art, Kassel, and the Arthistorical Institute, Free University Berlin.
Recent Publications (selected)
Birgit Eusterschulte, Robert Barry. Materialität und Konzeptkunst, Brill: Paderborn 2021
Birgit Eusterschulte, Christian Krüger (eds.), Involvierte Autonomie. Künstlerische Praxis zwischen Engagement und Eigenlogik (co-editor Christian Krüger), transcript: Bielefeld 2022.
Birgit Eusterschule, “Politics of Not/Showing. Artistic Historicising and the Colonial Archive”, in: View, no. 39: Racialization and the Politics of Visibility (peer reviewed; published in September 2024)